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Specializes in contracts for facility needs, so government and educational organizations can access quality services and products at competitive prices. Organization that brings facility contracts to schools, education-related organizations and other governmental entities. Contracts with multiple vendors, so members can access quality products and services. Provides competitively-bid facility contracts, saving time and money in the bidding process.
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PR: 4
Wholesale dealer advertisements and batch purchase. Advertise your offers free of cost on our French, American, German, Spanish, Italian, Belgian, Canadian and other networks.
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PR: 0
ISBF offers a range of programmes across the spectrum of diploma, under graduate, post graduate program for business and finance in MBA, CFP, CFA Delhi, NCR, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Noida & India. ISBF Has been established to impart quality education with international recognition in the area of Economics, Management & Finance.
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